- Bachelor of Medicine, Universidad Complutense of Madrid. 1987
- Speciality in Urology, University Hospital San Carlos 1993
- Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, Universidad Complutense of Madrid. 1994
- Specialization in Sexology, University of Alcalá de Henares. 2006
- Observership Miami Childrens Hospital. 2000
- Specialist in Urology, University Hospital Severo Ochoa. 2006-present
- Unit Member of Uro-oncology, University Hospital 12 de Octubre. 2008-present
- Head of Uro-oncology Unit (Renal area, bladder and testicle). 2016-present
- Specialist in Urology, University Hospital Niño Jesús. 1996-2006
- Specialist in Urology, University Hospital Príncipe de Asturias. 1995-1996
- Specialist in Urology, University Hospital Guadalajara. 1995
- Specialist in Urology, Hospital Virgen de la Torre. 1995
- Specialist in Urology, Hospital Gutierrez Ortega (Ciudad Real). 1994-1995
- Training of rotating residents of Urology in Paediatric Urology. University Hospital Niño Jesús. 1996-2006.
- Training of residents of Urology. University Hospital Severo Ochoa. 2018 – present.
- Academic tutor of practices of Degree of Medicine. Alfonso X El Sabio University. 2016-present.
- Continuing nursing education in urodynamics. University Hospital Severo Ochoa. 2016-present.