Dr. Juan E. Ruíz de Burgos

Dr. Juan E. Ruíz de Burgos

Cooperation Partner

Col Nº: 282824950

Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid.

Specializing in:


  • Spanish
  • English
  • German

Where should I ask for an appointment?

LYX Institute of Urology
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 14:00


Academician of the Royal Spanish Academy of Medicine.

Degree and Doctor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and Specialty in Urology at the Hospital Clínico of the same University.

He was associated professor of Anatomy and Embryology at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, Social Security urologist by competitive examinations and after that Specialist and associated professor of Urology at Hospital Clínico of Madrid, requesting leave of absence afterwards.

Scholarship from Gutenberg University of Mainz. Several years as urologist in Germany at Barme Hospitals of Wüppertal and Grösshadern of Munich University, working with the developing team of the shock wave lithotripsy and laser in urology. In fact, he returned to Spain to manage the urology department at Hospital Rúber Internacional of Madrid.

Pioneer in cryosurgery for prostate cancer and kidney tumors, and in prostate laser surgery. Guest professor and visiting doctor at Andersson-Baylor College of Houston, Royal Surrey-County Hospital London, University Cambridge Hospitals y Hospital Militar de Riad, among others.

Head professor of urology at National School of Legal Medicine of Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Several urological publications. Spanish and international courses and congresses. Starting up and development of the clinical use of recurrent cystitis auto-vaccines.

For the last 15 years he has combined his urological practice with his biomedical research of the microbiota, getting the first paraprobiotics for medical use. Knight of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, involved in humanitarian work in Ethiopia. He received the Grand Cross for Humanitarian Merit from Cataluña.